by DataBank | Sep 18, 2024 | Future of IT Workforce
When everyone was asked to pivot their operations and move their workforce online, who did they turn to for help? IT. At times, IT departments can become a catch-all. They understand the unique nature of different processes and have the technical background to operate...
by DataBank | Sep 18, 2024 | Modern Technology Application
For organizations looking to improve their efficiency and better manage their data, there are some basic principles that we consider foundational to any “digital transformation”. That term can mean many different things, but we see it as deeply related to a fully...
by DataBank | Sep 18, 2024 | Modern Technology Application
You want to become a data-driven organization, but need help getting there. Where do you start? We’re not talking about finding some band-aid solution with any certain technology or software, but partnership from real humans you can trust to unfold all of that data...
by DataBank | Sep 18, 2024 | Modern Technology Application
Arizona Government Modernization Day was designed to allow government agencies to share ideas that will drive statewide change in employee and constituent experience. Government agencies nationwide are constantly facing the challenge of doing more with less, but this...
by DataBank | Sep 18, 2024 | Modern Technology Application
When most people think of government it’s safe to say the last thing they think about is innovation and transformation. After this year’s Oklahoma Digital Government Summit, that statement couldn’t be more false. There was a revitalizing energy throughout the day that...