Is It Time To Bridge Your Mailroom’s Analog-to-Digital Gap?

Jul 24, 2024Data Management

When we talk about modern technology and advancements in the workforce, there’s one area of your business operations that may not scream “innovation”: The mailroom.

It’s a mostly behind-the-scenes operation that many organizations are questioning (or may not use anymore with the shift to remote work). However, in certain types of organizations, especially those dealing with billing and large quantities of incoming information, it’s still an essential function. Whether a company employs 50 or 250,000 people, having secure and efficient mailroom operations is of utmost importance as they ensure communications and documents are getting to employees as quickly as possible, helping with everything from customer engagement to billing.

Before COVID-19, many mailrooms already had pain points within their operations, including scalability, compliance, and ROI. Throw a pandemic into the mix, and now those mailrooms are dealing with a new remote workforce and a complete 180 from the mailrooms of the past.

What’s more, it doesn’t look like this new working structure will be changing anytime soon. A 

A PwC survey of nearly 700 CEOs revealed that 78% believe remote work is here to stay, meaning many mailrooms straining to keep up with these new operations hurdles need to do something if they want to mitigate stress and bridge their analog-to-digital gap so all processes are running as efficiently as possible.

I know what you may be thinking.

“Why invest in a solution if we may, one day, go back to normal?”

My response typically sounds a bit like, “Do you want to go back to how you were doing things if there’s a better way?” And that’s the truth. There is a better way – a digital mailroom solution that’s built with flexibility, security, and efficiency in mind.

This year, we partnered with Eco-Mail to provide our clients with an innovative digital mailroom solution that many Fortune 500 companies have adopted to keep their businesses moving forward. This platform, especially when paired with the end-to-end suite of services and solutions we offer, created the perfect “future-proofing” solution for businesses and organizations alike.

Why do I need to bridge my mailroom’s analog-to-digital gap?

To put it simply, focusing on bridging that gap will help revolutionize the way you do business by driving greater efficiency, security, and remote collaboration. But let’s get into why it will help.

Ingest and classify all analog communications as they come in.

Depending on the intake process, once analog content is digitized, we can encrypt it in motion and at rest.

Automatically analyze and route mail to specific individuals.

Processing time can go from days to mere seconds and with extreme accuracy. For example, if your organization employs six people named Adam Smith, the solution will know exactly which one the mail needs to go to.

Extract the most important information and add it to your system of record.

Pull important metadata from each piece of mail and import it to your system of record, helping you build a library of accessible, searchable information.

Integrate the extracted information to power strategic process improvements.

Utilize information-rich data to inform your business decisions and identify areas of opportunity within your current processes.

What kinds of overhead costs could I cut with this sort of digital mailroom solution?

Our digital mailroom solution is the only full-suite solution to digitize mail in the industry. It can help reduce or even completely eliminate costs associated with:

      • Initial Sort & Delivery 

      • Post-Delivery Sub-Sort 

      • Interoffice Mail 

      • Secondary Delivery

      • Multiple Mailroom Locations 

      • Duplication

      • Scanning 

      • Offsite Storage

I know, I know. That’s quite a list. That said, it’s a bit easier to explain how our solution can help reduce overhead costs (and boost ROI!) by showing you how it helped one of the top 20 banks in the country.

Learn more about mailroom automation services – the impact could be astronomical