How a mid-Atlantic healthcare system streamlined document processing with AI

Aug 21, 2024AI Readiness

Organizational Challenges

The indexing process, the backbone of the health system’s document management system, was weakening due to the sheer volume of documents. They had many capable indexers, but there were too many incoming documents, leading to an unsustainable process. In addition, they faced barriers such as:

1. Physical, full-time indexers were spending a lot of time keeping up with the demand of incoming documents.

2. Keeping pace with the amount of documents led to human errors and inconsistencies across information distributed throughout their systems.

3. As with manual indexing comes data entry errors. This meant data was entering their systems incorrectly.

4. The health system and its departments didn’t have the staff to keep up with demand. Hiring for these positions was tough.

DataBank’s Managed Services & Staff Augmentation gives IT teams a hand, maintaining systems and training staff.

The health system embarked on a strategic initiative with DataBank to revamp their document indexing process. Together, we implemented a modern document processing solution that harnessed the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to index documents swiftly and accurately.



The implementation of the AI-powered document processing system transformed the health system’s document management process and delivered significant benefits:

1. Automated indexing achieved an accuracy rating of 98% for indexed healthcare records

2. The cost to index a single document was reduced from $1.50 to $0.68.

3. ROI for the implementation organization-wide was projected to be 210%.

4. The health system projected an annual savings of $7.9 million as a direct result of adoption of the automated indexing system. Savings were accrued through reduced labor costs, minimized errors, and optimized resource allocation.


What’s Next?

The health system achieved document processing accuracy, substantial cost savings, and increased workforce efficiency by replacing the manual document indexing process with AI-Powered Document Processing. The successful implementation of this solution not only resolved immediate pain points but also positioned them for long-term success by fostering strategic resource allocation and delivering a solid return on investment.


About the organization

A world-renowned academic medical center headquarter in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The system is consistently recognized on the national and international stage, with over two centuries of excellence in patient care and research.