Why we built The DataBank Cloud

Sep 18, 2024Cloud Strategy

The DataBank Cloud is a highly flexible cloud hosting platform for OnBase ECM.

A 2020 study by Nucleus Research found that cloud delivers 4.01 the ROI compared with on-premise solutions.

Cloud hosting frees you up from maintaining legacy hardware and dealing with surprise costs like repairs and replacements. It interconnects your organization, allowing you to streamline operations and gives you control over your hosting environment. And, mitigated security risks means you’re less vulnerable to attack.

Getting your OnBase from on-prem to the cloud means you’ll be able to take full advantage of your OnBase investment. We built The DataBank Cloud because we want to help you get there.

The Databank Cloud was built with two purposes in mind. One was to provide you with transparent, easy-to-understand, all-in pricing. We don’t burden you with understanding growth patterns, volumes, and usage patterns. The second thing is that the cloud was built for the future, allowing you to scale up or down as your business needs fluctuate and to help you avoid disruption.  – Matt Charlson, CEO

And that’s really it –

We want you to be prepared for whatever is to come because honestly, you can’t afford not to be. 

If you’re unsure of whether your on-prem solution is meeting your needs, maybe we can convince you otherwise. We’re seeing more services and applications becoming available exclusively in the cloud, and organizations making the switch to free up costs associated with aging hardware and upkeep.

Migrating to the cloud is a major step in your digital transformation journey. 

The DataBank Cloud is powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), a platform that can easily adjust and adapt as the world changes around you. With AWS, we have access to billions of dollars of technology that we can use and collaborate with your OnBase system.

As Matt said, we’ve incorporated a comprehensive list of cloud features and services that are included in the “all-in” price. We designed our infrastructure around security, and take on that monitoring and maintenance to keep your cloud safe. Finally, we hand out our Cloud Team’s phone number because we actually want you to call them. You have access to them whenever you need them.

Achievable victories. That’s how you beat the competition. The DataBank Cloud is that step in your digital journey to help you modernize your OnBase through flexible content and data management.