Large county government wipes out IT backlog of 60 projects with DataBank’s Managed Services & Staff Augmentation

Aug 21, 2024Future of IT Workforce

County Challenges

Each of the ten agencies was eager to receive help designing, executing, and supporting new functionality within OnBase. However, the technology office had a massive backlog of department projects that always took priority and lacked staff resources to complete them. The office wanted to help drive these new implementations within OnBase, but their hands were tied

1. Massive backlog of OnBase department tasks without the required staff to clear it out

2. Inability to support agencies and drive more advantageous projects that resulted in desired outcomes and a better citizen experience


DataBank’s Managed Services & Staff Augmentation helps counties get control of their system and clear out their backlog.

We’d been working with the County for over a year, supporting them in modernization efforts like 

OnBase implementation to eliminate paper and introduce contactless touchpoints. Once aware of their project backlog, we offered Managed Services & Staff Augmentation at the Admin level so the technology office could have proactive OnBase Administration support for their OnBase system requests

1. Discovery

DataBank team discovered the County’s need for expert OnBase administration support

2. Roadmap

We discussed their county-wide goals that this resource would help them reach and developed a plan them get there.

3. Delivery

The OnBase Systems Administrator worked daily with the technology office to evaluate and service tickets dealing with configuration, user management, testing, documentation, and more.

4. Service Expansion

The County expanded the scope of the original plan to include resources that helped them design and implement new OnBase solutions.

With their new DataBank OnBase System Admin support in place, more agencies outside of the technology office recognized the benefit of having an OnBase expert on their side. DataBank now supports multiple agencies within the County to help them drive new OnBase projects and solutions.


We originally dedicated one System Administration resource to support their OnBase, but have since engrained additional members into the County’s IT team and processes. Over the last twelve months, we’ve completed 60 projects expanding beyond standard OnBase maintenance to include Workflow implementation and drip audits, regular upgrades and upgrade testing, implementation of Active Directory Security, and project road mapping to help the various agencies across the County plan for new functionality within their OnBase content management system.

1. 60 backlog projects completed within 12 months

2. Ability to initiate and complete impactful projects like thorough workflow documentation to mitigate knowledge or data loss

3. Improved team culture through personable team members intertwined with their daily processes and communication

    What’s Next?

    The Arizona County’s Technology Office has already made many advances that support its vision of putting its citizens first. Through the support of DataBank and advancements made with theirOnBase solutions, they can refocus on their strategic innovation plans like mobile access to County services, continual support of a remote workforce, advanced data and insights, cloud migration, and more.

    About the organization

    A large County government technology office is responsible for servicing 27 agencies and departments in Arizona. Not only do they provide technical support to resolve system issues, like with their OnBase content management system, but they also drive new, innovative solutions forward to aid their departments in delivering quality service to their citizens.

    Read the full case study